Inshape Fitness


How To Navigate the Grocery Store Without a Plan: Mindful Shopping

How To Navigate the Grocery Store Without a Plan: Mindful Shopping Embarking on a grocery shopping journey without a plan may seem like a daunting task, but with a few strategic approaches, you can make choices that fuel your week in a healthy and balanced way. Instead of wandering aimlessly through the aisles, consider implementing


Why You Need To Keep Exercising During Ramadhan

WHY YOU NEED TO KEEP EXERCISING DURING RAMADHAN Ramadhan is a practice that sees all Muslims across the world fasting and praying. During this period the requirement is abstinence from food, drinking, sex, smoking etc. between dawn and sunset. While there are so many spiritual benefits of this practice, we cannot overlook the many physical

Exercise and Stress

Break Free from Stress with Exercise

Break Free from Stress with Exercise The heart pounding and fast breathing sensation is our adrenaline that allows us to focus in response to the impending danger or things that stress us – to fight or flight. It is in essence evolutionary. But luckily for us, we are no longer living in the jungle and


Healthy Eating and How to Navigate Temptation

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Achieve Better Results With A Personal Trainer

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