Nutrition Counseling

What we believe about Nutrition

Good nutrition comes with Good Health!

We do not believe in dieting, and instead believe in balanced nutrition, providing the body with quality fuel to keep your muscles and brain at it’s peak performance.

However, when healthy options are not available, people settle for foods that are higher in calories and lower in nutritional value.

Poor nutrition can increase the risk of acute and chronic illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, and certain cancers.

nutrition counseling available at inshape fitness

How our Nutrition sessions work

Although they are called “nutrition counseling sessions,” we actually do much more than just discuss nutrition with the client. We discuss goal-setting techniques, behavior modification strategies, and anything else we feel can help our clients establish the habits necessary to reach their health goals. Our Nutritionists will ;

  • Review your medical history and general health. Your Nutritionist will ask about food allergies, digestive issues, or health conditions that are affected by the way you eat. They will also want to know about your physical activity level, current eating habits, and where you struggle the most.

  • Explain the basics of good nutrition. You’ll learn how different foods impact your health and the way you feel. Your Nutritionist will also teach you how to read food product labels and teach you what individual serving sizes look like.

  • Show you how to make mindful food choices. Your nutritionist will help you recognize negative thought patterns and emotions around food. They can also help you improve your relationship with foods and beverages. This can prevent problems like binge eating and yo-yo dieting.

  • Help you prioritize dietary changes and set goals. Taking into account your unique needs, your nutritionist will help you understand how many calories you require. They will explain what dietary changes you should focus on first and help you set realistic goals.

  • Create a personalized nutrition plan. In creating your action plan, your nutritionist will consider your ideal calorie and nutrient intakes, food preferences, and budget. They may also provide you with sample meal plans and healthy, culturally relevant recipes you can try out at home.


nutrition food plan customised for you

Benefits of Nutrition Counseling

  • Achievie a Healthy weight

    Nutrition counseling may help you shed pounds by making you aware of how many calories you need for your level of activity.

  • Preventing or managing chronic conditions

    Along with other lifestyle changes, improving the way you eat can lower your risk of developing chronic illnesses. If you already have a chronic disease, nutrition counseling can help ease or even reverse the conditions altogether.

  • Feel better overall

    Improving the quality of what you eat doesn’t just reduce your risk for disease. It can also help increase your energy levels, enhance your sleep, improve your digestion and bowel movements, boost your mood, and even sharpen your thinking and concentration.

  • Help you Develop long-term healthy habits

    Nutrition counseling focuses on helping you gradually improve your eating habits through individualized, practical, and manageable changes. Once you have the tools and knowledge to make better choices, it becomes natural.

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